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In order to facilitate the movement of traffic and protect the health, lives, safety and property of persons using streets and highways in the Village, and to combat the hazards of excessive snow and ice on said roads or portions thereof named below, the Street Commissioner at his discretion, after an accumulation of two(2) inches of snowfall may declare an emergency due to such hazards.


Appropriate signage being placed along specific routes specified below. the Village shall notify news media of the declared snow emergency, after which it shall be unlawful during the period of emergency for any person to park or cause or permit to remain parked his/her motor vehicle on those streets listed below. Any motor vehicle found parked on those streets listed below during the time of such emergency shall be removed by order of the Chief of Police and will be in violation of this ordinance. In addition, the vehicle will be towed at owners expense.


The streets where parking is prohibited after a snow emergency has been declared are the following:


1. On Main Street from Columbus Street to Lazenby Street


2. On Broadway Street from Burroughs Street to Watkins Road


3. All of Columbus Street


4. All of Center Street


5. All of Baldwin Street


6. All of Fancy Street



Village of Blanchester | 318 E Main Street, Blanchester, Ohio 45107

© 2017 by Village of Blanchester. All rights reserved.

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